Newton's apple
  • Basic maths
  • Vectors
  • Derivatives

Contents worksheet

Since the birth of matter, when the big bang took place, the different particles created interacts to each other leading to motion.

Dynamics is the part of physics in charge of the cause of bodies ́motion, relating this cause to the effect that it is produced. Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was the scientist who established the bases and rules of dynamics through 3 simple laws:

Las leyes de Newton permiten explicar cómo se comportan los cuerpos desde el punto de vista dinámico y son:

Newton ́s theory is based on Galileo ́s and Descartes ́ ideas, so he was able to build not only the dynamics principles, but physics in general. He made it in his book Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica in 1687.

To study these laws in depth, in this lesson we will deal with dynamics concepts itself, such as what forces are and what impulse is. From the mathematics perspective, we will use vectors and derivatives. We strongly recommend being familiarized with kinematics´ concept and formulas we just studied in previous lessons.

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